I have a small problem.
What I would like is feedback on what you as a maltipoo lover and customer and just the average person would do in my
position .
In the last few months I made a deal with an attorney in Maryland .She was to file papers and set up our Maltipoo club
in exchange for a puppy of mine ,her idea ,she contacted me ..However ,as most know I was ill at the time and so nothing
could be done until I filed here to incorporate the rescue part ,work up a budget and get a board organized .This meant she
would recieve the puppy long before any work from her would start .No work was to starty until I finished the things
here ,I have her e-mails proving that .
Since she was an attorney I thought this would be the best thing for our club to have an attorney as a board member .
However ....alot has gone wrong ...
I placed at the time another maltipoo with another couple in the same area .The lady was not satisfied with what size
the maltipoo was and ask me to take the puppy back ...I agreed but I was still unable to drive at the time and had to find
a place for the puppy for at least 4 to 5 days so my husband could return to Maryland to pick up the puppy .
Now ,the attorney lived 15 minutes from this couple ,had one of my puppies ,seem to be a good person and I ask her if
she would hold the other puppy for a few days until we could return for the puppy .the drive for us is over 12 hours one way
This is what happened ....
She agreed happily ...said even that evening she would love to have the second puppy also ,Of course that would have
meant she would have to purchase the puppy for the amount I needed to return to the couple ,the next day she tried to sell
the puppy .I was not confrontable with this and said so ,so again she wanted to purchase the second puppy .Again ,I explained
the procedure .
The third day she called and said ..."Do not come and pick her up ,I want to place her here near me." Again ,that was
not what I wanted but gave her a chance as she said a couple down the street wanted the puppy "
It never happened ,so ,I called to tell her I was on my way and she has refused to let me have the puppy ,tried to jack
the price of her doing the club to include the second puppy ,has insulted me ,has yelled at my attorney ,has completely disreguared
the fact I was suppose to be her client and has refused me rights to my puppies .She has held one puppy saying I can get one
if I sign a release on the other ,that is not legal and she is holding 2 puppies for her own vanity .
How does it feel Miss Felington ,to know you are not ethical ,to know you are cheating another ,to know that for your
own selfish reasons you are holding 2 puppies illegally and even though you claim to be an attorney ,when mine tried to talk
to you ,you yelled and screamed and got loud and uncouth .How does it feel to know that what you do you do for self ? You
must think it feels good ,I wonder how many others oyu have cheated ?
The same God judges us all in the end . You WILL get your just reward .Here in this life or in the afterlife ,for God
knows and even though illness has kept us from doing all we intend ,it has not changed our hearts or our being right .
I sure hope my puppies are fine .
You are a cheat, a liar and a thief .Attorney you claim to be ...
This attorney I am fighting is wrong ,she is unethical ,has shown it many times in both words and deeds ,unworthy
to have any of my babies as only a decent person would uphold a contract and this she surely has not done and has held up
another contract because she will not release the second puppy and I will win ...But, I need all your help ...let me know
and please let me know your thoughts on just what I should do .
I am reporting her to the State Bar in Maryland this week ..I would have before now but I have had a light stroke
and could not do too much until I began to get well again .Now this week I sign papers on my home to pay the attorney for
the long fight ,I am asking for the love of my maltipoos .and for the love my customers have for their babies ..I need your
help !
my babies need to come home ..Thanks for any and all help you can offer as far as a place to lay my head
as I fight for my babies and say a prayer for me and the two babies that will soon be coming home !
UPDATE : We have decided to file here all we need and report her to the Bar in Maryland at this time .12-20-04 .
However ,this may change and we may go to Maryland to speak to attorney there and the district attorney also .
but at thistime we expect papers to be filed within the next 30 days as my husband was very ill with polycythemia vera
,a blood disorder concerning the red blood cells and now that it is under control which took months ,I have instructed
my attorney here to go ahead and prepare and file .I am looking forward to having both puppies home before the Spring
of this year if possible .Thanks to you all that offered me a resting place (I still may need it one day )and to those
that offered support ,prayers and hopes that my babies would be home soon .They will as we begin our suite please be aware
I will keep you all updated here as I can .
God Bless you all !